Thursday, February 24, 2011

2011 GMIC Sustainable Meetings Conference

February 24, 2011

Earlier this week Conference and Event Services team members Ana Kitchen and Lina Layiktez traveled to Portland, Oregon to attend the 2011 GMIC Sustainable Meetings Conference. This event provided Ana and Lina with the knowledge to come back and put some insightful idea to work at UC Davis.

This year's GMIC Sustainable Meetings Conference featured a group of great speakers! The presentations by Richard Aaron from BizBash Media, Scott Hamlin from Looptworks, and Steven Ward from Doubletree Hotel Portland. These three speakers were able to hit three topics that were a must share for all our event planner out there!

Richard Aaron was able to talk about BizBash and about the trends and ideas that progressive event planners and designers are adopting in the planning of their projects. This segment was able to incorporate how decor, lighting, displays, floral and food have been renewed to fit into the green landscape. Here at UC Davis, we're always trying to make sure we're protecting the environment at our events, and after hearing Mr. Aaron's discussion on these ideas, we will be looking to implement some of the plans for decor, lighting, floral, and all the other event planning trends out there.

Scott Hamlin from Looptworks talked about how they up cycle pre-consumer excess materials into clothing and accessories for the urban/outdoor enthusiast. Mr. Hamlin focused on how being sustainable isn't just about recycling, but about reusing as well. It is important to remember that although we may not enjoy a certain product anymore, this doesn't mean that it isn't reusable. By reusing, we are able to reduce our waste significantly and spread the joy of our old materials that we no longer find useful for ourselves.

Last but not least, Ana and Lina attended the talk by Double Tree Portland Executive Chef Steven Ward. With a philosophy like F.L.O.S.S. (fresh, local, organic, seasonal, and sustainable), it was clear to see that even in the kitchen, professionals are looking for ways to help out the environment. By building relationships with local farmers, ranchers, and organic producers, Mr. Ward is able to build long last relationships in the community, and reduce waste by buying local; ultimately cutting down on carbon emissions, pesticides, and other hazardous materials found in our food.

After this great trip to Portland, OR, Ana and Lina have come back to the department with new and fresh ideas to spread to all of you great event planners out there! Being green is important to us, and we know it is important to all you readers out there as well. Keep an eye on our Blog and Facebook for more posts on great conferences we've attended and the latest tips and practices in the sustainability community. Plan Green!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for information ! I am quite excited about the GMIC sustainable meeting conference. I hope that Richard Aaron and Scott Hamlin will put great things in front of us :-)

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