Friday, April 30, 2010

E-Waste: UC Davis's R4 Department Fighting Against Electronic Waste

Friday April 30, 2010

Did you know that it is illegal to throw away batteries and cell phones? Well, now you do! UC Davis's R4 department is fighting against electronic waste, and is doing so by placing multibin all over UC Davis. There are a total of 10 multibins strategically located throughout campus that provide a convenient way for people to dispose of their old electronic products. Currently, the R4 multibins support: CD's, Inkjet cartridges, electronic devices, non-rechargeable and rechargeable batteries. Although it may seem easy to merely throw away electronic appliances or peripherals into the dumpster, it is just as easy to recycle them in the specific multibin container. So the next time you break your mp3 player, or decided you don't want an old CD anymore, make sure to find the closest multibin on campus or located in your community to handle your waste responsibly. Remember that in our fight to make the world a greener place, every little bit helps!

Friday, April 23, 2010

Earth Week

Friday April 23, 2010

Earth Day has come and gone; however, it is important to remember that being green does not mean that you're green for one of the three hundred and sixty-five days out of the year. Being green should be a daily activity, and you should encourage those around you to develop green habits to ensure that we are all doing our part to make the world a cleaner place. Whether it is recycling the morning paper, purchasing a refillable water bottle, carpooling with a co-worker, or even walking instead of driving on your lunch break, those activities will be beneficial in the long-run. So remember, Earth Day is only a reminder that to keep up your green practices, not just a day to acknowledge that there are green practices in the world. Do your part each and everyday and we can all make the world a cleaner place. Happy Earth Week and Year!

Friday, April 16, 2010

Event Planning on Your Mobile

Friday April 16, 2010

Have you ever thought about managing an event on your mobile phone? Well Cheryl Lawson, owner of The Perfect Date, has developed an event planning application for Google's Android smartphones. Actually bringing two key applications in one package, the Event Planning tools application is actually a meeting space calculator, as well as an event budget calculator. Both components of the Event Planning tools application are very basic and consist of a mere plug-in strategy that will yield the event planner the numbers they need to get started with their event planning and coordination. Lawson explains in her article that although these applications have been around, in this day and age, their is a great convenience in having these specific applications on your mobile phone in order to get quick on the go results. To read more about Lawson's Event Planning application tools, or more about here event management and marketing firm, visit the hyperlinks above! Keep up the great work Cheryl and all those at The Perfect Date!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

We want your feedback!

Hello all! Hope you all are enjoying the beginning of what looks to be a beautiful spring! At Conference and Event Services we are always looking for ways to improve our communication with you and we would like to ask you all out there what you would like to see us talk about more? What news do you want to hear? What specifically about our department do you want to know? As our clients, we want to know the best ways and best media to connect with you on. Please email with your thoughts and comments and we'll work to make our connection with all of you out there the best it can be. Thanks!

CES Marketing Team