Thursday, November 24, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving!

We're counting our blessings here at CES and wish you a very merry Turkey Day!

Here's a little holiday humor:

Why didn't the turkey want any lunch?
Because he was already stuffed!

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

15th Annual Caterer and Vendor Showcase

The showcase was a success! Thank you to everyone who came out and helped make this such a wonderful event. We hope everyone had a good time! Check out pictures from the event, looks up on Facebook and tag anyone you know, and start counting down the days until next year's showcase!


To see more pictures, take a look at our Facebook album!

Monday, November 14, 2011

Meanwhile, at CES...

It's a busy week here at CES! Tomorrow we have the Yolo County Visitor's Bureau FAM Tour. And on Wednesday, we are hosting our 15th Annual Caterer and Vendor Showcase! It's not too late to register for both events, so don't miss out. Just follow these links to register:

YCVB Fam Tour Registration

Caterer and Vendor Showcase Registration