Tuesday March 23, 2010
Last week, our marketing team here at UC Davis Conference and Event Services were able to sample some of the great products presented us by O'Bon, and what great green products they have to offer! We sampled some of the numerous pencil and notepads that are made up of 100% recycled material. The pencils are quite sturdy and seem to last longer and stay better protected than regular wooden pencils, and the notepads are just as great as any notepad out there; however, these notepads being green, have a little bit of a leg up for being environmentally friendly! We'd like to encourage all of those in the community to try out O'Bon products as they are a great substitute to many products that you make already have! Don't forget to use a promotional code for 15% when purchasing online, just enter freakofriends in the promotional code field. Hope you all give O'Bon