Wednesday September 30, 2009
Hello everyone! Just wanted to drop by on the blog and give an update on what is going on with our team here at Conference and Event Services! As you may have noticed, we have changed our name from UC Davis Conference Events and Visitors services to the sleek and simple Conferences and Event Services. The name changed was approved by the Chancellor herself, and we are excited to push forward into the future with a great name still bring you excellent event management.
On a personal note, this summer went very well for me! I was able to visit my family down in Southern California, as well as travel to one of our nation's most beautiful cities, Chicago. I am currently on the pursuit of finding a new home in which I will work and attend a post-undergrad program which I have yet to decide of. This move will take place within the next couple years so I want to get a jump on looking. Just another part of this journey called life, I'm on and I couldn't be more excited!
Well that's all for the Aaron Long stories! Until next time!