Thursday April 23, 2009
Hi my name is Masha Keylin (aka “Mosh, mashmash”). I’ve been working at the LOVELY Campus Events and Visitors Services as a marketing intern for over a year now, and I’ve definitely grown to love this little community on the fourth floor of the MU. This job has provided me with an array of work experience. Essentially, I started out working on a Returns on Investment project, and now I’m on a completely different track planning familiarization tours and creating a Meetings Facilities Guide. Wow-it’s strange to think how far I’ve come in just over a year! Hmm…let’s see….something about me: I’ve been ballroom dancing for about 10 years now, and I’m currently choreographing a Cha Cha piece for a ballroom club on campus! However, the biggest reward from dancing came just a few days ago when my fellow intern Kevy, called me a “Dancer”. It’s a completely different feeling when you know you’re a dancer than when somebody actually acknowledges the fact. Anyway, Kevy rocks and so do all my other fellow interns, so in the words of Mr. Long-blow it uP!
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